A New Rising Star in Hollywood: Electric Cigarettes in the Movies

A New Rising Star in Hollywood: Electric Cigarettes in the Movies

Electric cigarettes offer the same aesthetic and physical rituals of smoking without the negative health repercussions.  With a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge included. The atomizer burns the liquid nicotine in the cartridge.  Hence, producing vapor that simulates the same ‘puff’ like traditional cigarette smoke. The battery powers the device and lights up the end to reproduce the effect of the tobacco burning. The critical difference between electronic cigarettes and traditional cigarettes is that the vapor does not contain the carcinogenic ingredients.

Electric Cigarettes – the trend

However, more and more people are switching to electronic cigarettes to deliver the same amount of nicotine.  Without the malignant properties of traditional cigarette smoke. Now we’re seeing this trend extend to the movies. Despite the proven health hazards, cigarettes retain the idea of being glamorous.  Cigarettes were successfully marketed in the 20th century as being cool and glamorous. When smoking was an almost universal activity. Movie stars puffed away on every screen and every advertising billboard. Everything changed in 1964.  The Surgeon General of the United States distributed the ‘Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee Report on Smoking and Health’.

It was a conglomeration of over 7000 articles that linked smoking tobacco to cancer and other diseases. This provided a catalyst for legislative reform that restricted advertising. There is a thread that links these restrictions to the Motion Picture Association of America.  Where as, smoking in films resulted in higher censorship ratings.  Without a historic or mitigating context in May 2007.

However, the surge in electronic cigarettes could mean smoking will be up on the silver screen again.  In addition, Johnny Depp was seen puffing on an electric cigarette throughout his film The Tourist in 2010. The actor requested an electronic cigarette especially from a UK supplier. He loved it and it quickly became an essential accessory for his character. This helped cement the electronic cigarette as a genuine alternative to traditional cigarettes.  Furthermore, now it seems that the uptake in electronic cigarettes is spreading throughout Hollywood.

Celebrities smoking the electric cigarette

Catherine Zeta Jones has been seen with one in her favorite restaurant.  As a result, probably prompted by Michael Douglas’ health problems. The cast of the popular film series The Twilight Saga are also avid users.  With Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart taking the lead. Apparently they have been talking about them to other cast and crew members. As well as, the notorious party animals Charlie Sheen and Paris Hilton. They have adopted the healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes.